Cries of Voter Fraud are Rooted in Racism

Joshua Thomas
2 min readDec 9, 2020

Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia have large Black communities. Many people like Stacy Abrams and organizations have worked tirelessly for many years to ensure Black turned out to vote. Finally this year many factors helped that come to fruition. The many unjustified deaths of Black people, and the tapes that followed, caused people across the country rose up to protest. Those protest turned into large voter registration and turnout at the ballot box.

We have also been confronted with an once in a lifetime pandemic. The largest demographic affected by this are Black people. The Black community saw how poorly Covid has been handled by the government on the national and local levels. Add in the fact that mail in voting has nullified the many of the normal attempts at voter suppression.

As you can see many factors have contributed to the one of the largest increases in Black voting in American history. Many of those people voted for change. We can debate many things. The simple fact is many Black people didn’t see another Trump term as something representing their best interest. The old guard was just not working for them.

Knowing all that is why cries of voter fraud infuriates me so much. It disenfranchises the voices of Black people that spoke so loudly. The majority of the court cases are the cities I previously named. The only conclusion I can to is the cries of votes fraud are rooted Racism.

